Allgemeines Forum

Forum Beschreibung Themen
Course Discussion Forum - Please share your thoughts
Please share your comments, impressions and stories of how you are embedding/planning to embed what you have learnt on this course.


Abschnitt Forum Beschreibung Themen
Abschnitt 1 Learner Motivation
Reflect for a moment

  • Why would your learners currently access your course page?
  • What reason are you giving them to look at the page?
  • How do you promote your page in class?
  • What can learners get on your page that Google does not provide them?
  • What could you add to your course to motivate students to ...
Abschnitt 3 As a group, please discuss in this forum what the term Personalised Learning actually means to you.
As a group, please discuss what the term Personalised Learning actually means to you.